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[7 Ways] How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp

Hi, it’s Edwin, an app expert who has offered various tips on WhatsApp or other apps for our users.

Thank you for reading my article. Today’s topic is "How to find out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp".

At some time, you may want to make sure if someone blocked you on WhatsApp when you don't contact with someone for a long time.

Don't worry if you are exactly in the case, today's post will cover all the information you care about.

What Does Being Blocked on WhatsApp Mean?

When you are blocked on WhatsApp by someon, all the interactions between you two will be halted. This including the text messages, calls, notification and profile updates.

If you're skeptical that you are blocked, don’t hesitate to try the ways below to confirm it.

whatsapp block

How to Know If Someone Has Blocked You on WhatsApp

1. Can You See the "last seen" Status (RC 50%)

When you are blocked by someone on WhatsApp, you will not have access to their "last seen" status. If you couldn’t see the "last seen" status under their contact, it might be an indication that you are blocked.

But many WhatsApp users may choose to hide the last seen status. It means that this way cannot be used to 100% confirmed that you are blocked.

last seen status

2. Can You Check the Contact Profile Picture (RC 60%)

The blacklister's profile picture will not change if he or she blocks you on WhatsApp. In other word, you cannot find any update on the profile pictures of the blacklister.

Compared to other tips, it is the most straightforward one. And if you want to take this approach, just find a mutual friend of you and the person who may block you to verify it.

But this indication is not completely accurate as the person may have changed the Privacy to Nobody, which means that no one can view any update of his or her info.

3. Are Your WhatsApp Messages Delivered (RC 50%)

As explained before, any messages sent to a contact who has blocked you on WhatsApp will be halted. You can send a message to the person that you need to verify.

Chances are that what you may see shows one tick rather than two ticks or colored blue ticks if you are blocked by the contact on WhatsApp. It means that the message has been sent but never been delivered.

However, it is also possible that some users may see the messages offline, this will result in a single tick.

check the number of check ticks

4. Can You Call the Contact on WhatsApp? (RC 60%)

You cannot make phone calls to blocked contacts. If your phone call to someone on WhatsApp is not answered, you may be blocked by the person. You can also give it another try to get it confirmed.

5. Can You Pay for the Person on WhatsApp (RC 100%)

  1. Open up WhatsApp on your iPhone, go to Options and click on "View Contact".
  2. Click the option of "Pay for" from the View Contact Menu.

If your friend has not blocked you on WhatsApp, just neglect this way. Or you will get a message of "XX is not able to receive a service extension from you, but thanks for trying to help your friend". Obviously, this message indicates that this person has put you in the block list.

pay for the person on whatsApp

6. Create A Text Group (RC 100%)

Create a WhatsApp group named as "Text" and add the person to this group. If you have been blocked, the messages of "Couldn't Add XX" will pop up.

It can be basically confirmed that you have been blocked on WhatsApp if you could view these indications. However, it's not 100% guaranteed. There might be other possibilities as well.

add text group

7. Ask a Mutual Friend for Help (RC 100%)

If you have a mutual friend with the contact, you can ask the friend to check the contact’s WhatsApp status. If they have access to the contact’s account, then it’s definitely that you are blocked on WhatsApp.

How to Block a Contact on WhatsApp

You can prevent others from sending WhatsApp messages and calls to you via the way of adding his contacts to block list. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Open WhatsApp and click on Settings > Privacy Settings > Blocked Contacts.
  2. Click "Add Contact" to select the contacts you want to block.
  3. If you want to block an unknown contact, simply find the chat history with the contact, tap "Block" from the top of the screen.

block contact on whatsapp

Edwin J. Parke

As a professional writer who is interested in technology, Edwin J. Parke has helped thousands of users by offering various tips to solve their problems.

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